superb day, thanks to john for leading and john and chris for scouting the route. it was a great route, pretty and flatter than the last time i went out to the medway. thanks to everyone for the company, quite a few of you on you first forum ride - hope you'll be back.
loved the extra bit to margate with the comedy climb straight after food, the obstacle course through the woods, the green matting under the grass (FTW) and the monastery
loved the free train :)
jaitch, sorry we only had you so briefly.
^great photos everyone, i didn't notice many cameras at the time!
superb day, thanks to john for leading and john and chris for scouting the route. it was a great route, pretty and flatter than the last time i went out to the medway. thanks to everyone for the company, quite a few of you on you first forum ride - hope you'll be back.
loved the extra bit to margate with the comedy climb straight after food, the obstacle course through the woods, the green matting under the grass (FTW) and the monastery
loved the free train :)
jaitch, sorry we only had you so briefly.
^great photos everyone, i didn't notice many cameras at the time!