• So the popular Papergirl art distro project is about the hit our fair city. The exhibition starts on Thursday night but the main focus will be on Saturday 27th when the artwork gets distributed. Heres the basic gist of the project:

    What is 'Papergirl?'

    Stage 1. Artists/illustrators contribute paper based artwork. (Ideally more than one piece... does not need to be new/relevant to project).

    Stage 2. A piece from each contributer is put into an exhibition to present the work and raise aware...ness of the project... and have a nice get together...
    Stage 3. After exhibition (ideally a couple of weeks) all work is rolled up into rolls of two/three pieces. These are then bagged up by a group of volunteer cyclists who cycle around the city in a group and hand out the artwork for free.

    Any riders wanting to live out NYC messenger/Paperboy (Classic Nes Game) fantasies, GET INVOLVED ! It really is a cool little project run by a great bunch of people. I think you get a bit of breakfast for your troubles too. If anyone wants to get involved and help out, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the main man !
