The wire one I thought you were going to say was made for Johnny Hoogerland, in which case it would have been OK.
As for the other one, WTF! It looks like someone's 2 year old has been at it with the crayons
Both frames come from Caldonazzo .. "Barbed Wire" (Gantanamo scheme) looks like a Marcelo and "The crayon one" (Ciavete - means f**k you in local dialect - scheme is hand painted by Pegoretti and is unique to this bike i.e. one scheme per bike) is a Responsorium. Pegoretti's are built with a dropped top tube to gain the stiffness without the looks of a compact which is why the head tube is extended.
Both frames come from Caldonazzo .. "Barbed Wire" (Gantanamo scheme) looks like a Marcelo and "The crayon one" (Ciavete - means f**k you in local dialect - scheme is hand painted by Pegoretti and is unique to this bike i.e. one scheme per bike) is a Responsorium. Pegoretti's are built with a dropped top tube to gain the stiffness without the looks of a compact which is why the head tube is extended.