I've got a new, smaller, camera on the way and so this has to go to fund it and because the new camera takes SD cards and not Compact Flash cards, my small collection of Compact Flash cards are going with the camera.
The camera is in very good condition and has only a faint scratch on the rear LCD. This is not noticeable unless the camera is turned of (or you are viewing a photo of the inside of the lens cap). The camera comes with everything that was supplied with it when new. This includes:
Note: the camera itself takes far better photos than those above
Brand new Yongnuo YN-460 II Flash (not to be confused with the cheaper 1st version). More information here. Comes with a little cold shoe stand, a flash diffuser and a wee bag. £35 or £25 if taken with the camera above.
Dibs if you'd like but PM to avoid disappointment.
I've got a new, smaller, camera on the way and so this has to go to fund it and because the new camera takes SD cards and not Compact Flash cards, my small collection of Compact Flash cards are going with the camera.
The camera is in very good condition and has only a faint scratch on the rear LCD. This is not noticeable unless the camera is turned of (or you are viewing a photo of the inside of the lens cap). The camera comes with everything that was supplied with it when new. This includes:
I am also including:
£160 including P&P from Glasgow.
Note: the camera itself takes far better photos than those above
Brand new Yongnuo YN-460 II Flash (not to be confused with the cheaper 1st version). More information here. Comes with a little cold shoe stand, a flash diffuser and a wee bag. £35 or £25 if taken with the camera above.
Dibs if you'd like but PM to avoid disappointment.