I ride with fast dudes, so ride a lot harder and faster than other people I know, but have been slowing down when I'm by myself to try to concentrate on how I move my feet through the pedal stroke and trying to use my legs instead of my lower back when going up inclines (Cedars is not a hill, but Latchmere Road is). I'd like to get in some more aerobic exercise, so how are turbos not good for that? while watching the telly b/c I hate the gym but want a similar kind of exercise.
I'm on 46 x 19.
Neil, I will take that turbo of yours to try it out, thanks!
Turbo is great for aerobic fitness whilst watching the telly :)
If you're climbing seated, slowish cadence, try thinking about pedalling from the glute, and 'stretching' the crank at the bottom of the pedalstroke. If you're spinning very quickly seated, and losing form, sometimes it helps to briefly think about the action of lifting your knees - this tends to result in better unweighting of the pedals on the upstroke.
Turbo is great for aerobic fitness whilst watching the telly :)
If you're climbing seated, slowish cadence, try thinking about pedalling from the glute, and 'stretching' the crank at the bottom of the pedalstroke. If you're spinning very quickly seated, and losing form, sometimes it helps to briefly think about the action of lifting your knees - this tends to result in better unweighting of the pedals on the upstroke.