• #2
Editor of Woking News Tweeted that it was a female cyclist killed by a van
• #3
sadly it is. rode past here in the afternoon and po po confirmed it was a fatality. at which point he made a snarky comment about bicycle helmets.
• #4
Damn... not nice to hear. Very sad
• #5
Oh damn, that's so sad. I ride past there almost everyday.
• #6
awful news.
• #7
very sad
• #9
Jeez. Thats so upsetting. Poor women. And the witnesses too. How does anyone ever get over seeing something like that ?
• #10
sadly it is. rode past here in the afternoon and po po confirmed it was a fatality. at which point he made a snarky comment about bicycle helmets.
That's pretty sick.
• #11
my thoughts and prayers are with the rider, family and friends.
• #12
11 this year, thus far. Tragic. My condolences to her family and friends.
• #13
Terrible to hear. My condolences.
• #14
11 this year, thus far.
that is a shocking/terrible stat.
@ catfood - cant believe the cops would make that comment at the scene. heartless idiot.RIP
• #15
Very very sad. I passed the scene of the accident on Sunday afternoon. I know that junction well and it is not a good one. It was really hard to go through the road last night knowing what happened and thinking of that woman and her family.
• #16
very sad. RIP
• #17
Heartbreaking. RIP
• #18
This is dreadful. I can't work out if it's a head-on collision from the reports or what could have happened. At any rate, it sounds like a horrible driving error. RIP unknown victim.
• #19
shit, I used to live just near there. cavendish road has a horrible surface, loads of potholes and craters. how sad, awful news.
• #20
mind you, have just seen the video of where the accident happened. Not the surface obviously. I always feel very vulnerable when riding along that stretch
• #21
terrible terrible news
• #22
Very sad news to hear.
• #23
my condolences to friends and family, terrible news.
• #24
I rode that road when I was going for my lesson, what strike me is that I can't see anything badly compromised on that stretch of road.
real sad to hear about the poor cyclist, though for her friends and families in this terrible time.
• #25
Just heard. RIP.
It's not a great road to get across, but on a Sunday morning is not when you'd expect that.
South London Press reported fatal crash - cyclist killed in collision with a van on Englewood Road near A205 around 11am Sunday 31 July 2011
Very sad
No other details yet