Right - over the last few months I've been exercising alot more running/cycling/weights and on a fairly strict diet - Finally got a handle on portion control, eliminated snacking and started calorie counting etc. In the first month it was working, lost a decent amount of weight etc.
Now I've plateaud completely, and can't shift that last bit of stubborn fat. I'm thinking of going of swtiching to a high protein/low-no carb diet to see if that will help. Think atkins but a tailored-to-me healthier verison of it. At the moment it's the only thing I can think of that might help.
Right - over the last few months I've been exercising alot more running/cycling/weights and on a fairly strict diet - Finally got a handle on portion control, eliminated snacking and started calorie counting etc. In the first month it was working, lost a decent amount of weight etc.
Now I've plateaud completely, and can't shift that last bit of stubborn fat. I'm thinking of going of swtiching to a high protein/low-no carb diet to see if that will help. Think atkins but a tailored-to-me healthier verison of it. At the moment it's the only thing I can think of that might help.
Stupid? Any other solutions?