Was at a little festival thing called hackney wick'ed' yesterday,had my subrosa malum robbed, all chrome one, brakesless only changes made to the stock bike was conti slick rear tyre and relaoded lockdown footstraps all black with silver trim, on the foot rather end, than toe end!
and only significant marks are diamond scratch marks on the seatpost.
im in west so if anyone sees or hears give us a shout, rewards to you and forum beers, cheers
Was at a little festival thing called hackney wick'ed' yesterday,had my subrosa malum robbed, all chrome one, brakesless only changes made to the stock bike was conti slick rear tyre and relaoded lockdown footstraps all black with silver trim, on the foot rather end, than toe end!
and only significant marks are diamond scratch marks on the seatpost.
im in west so if anyone sees or hears give us a shout, rewards to you and forum beers, cheers