I am selling my D70s plus other bits as it has been sitting in the office unused, it was originally bought about 5 years ago to take pics of jobs we have done but was always to bulky to take on site so was shelved in favour of a compact camera.
I would estimate it has taken no more than 500 pics.
It has the 18-70mm lens with it plus 2 Lowe Alpine bags the larger of which is a Nova 5 and cost about £90 then never left the office! It has dust on it!!
It also comes with infra red remote and a sigma Flash which cost £120
In the bag there are various cleaning things and filters
I would describe everything as in mint condition.
I can post more pics if there is any interest in this.
I have no clue what to charge for this so please feel free to pm me any offers.
I will split this if anyone wants to buy specific bits.
I am selling my D70s plus other bits as it has been sitting in the office unused, it was originally bought about 5 years ago to take pics of jobs we have done but was always to bulky to take on site so was shelved in favour of a compact camera.
I would estimate it has taken no more than 500 pics.
It has the 18-70mm lens with it plus 2 Lowe Alpine bags the larger of which is a Nova 5 and cost about £90 then never left the office! It has dust on it!!
It also comes with infra red remote and a sigma Flash which cost £120
In the bag there are various cleaning things and filters
I would describe everything as in mint condition.
I can post more pics if there is any interest in this.
I have no clue what to charge for this so please feel free to pm me any offers.
I will split this if anyone wants to buy specific bits.
I will also trade for a Brompton or Bike Friday