• #2
I've made a little video edit from the critical mass during the festival:
• #3
5-7.8. 2011
http://diybikefest.puscii.nl/Friday 5 august
15.00h- start of bikefest! yes, from this moment on you can start working, building, customizing bikes and get to know more fellow bikefreaks..hoorah!
19.00h – vegan BBQ
21.00 – 1.00 partyentertainment, or ‘feestje’ as we say in dutch.
The band True willl blow you away with their raging crust with a death metal edge and a sauce of ‘tambura’, a croatian instrument you never heard of let alone heard before! check out da craaazy shit! More bands t.b.c. and of course soothing music to make you dace afterwards.Saturday
10.00h – always start the day with some proper breakfast!
11.00h – Building space opens – YES! you can go berserk agian with those tools and bikes and what not..
wheelspoking. Basic as well in very creative floral motives…become an artist on the oldest invention of mankind…..
Then there will be an arc welding workshop. Heat up that steel my friends….and hmmmm, the smell…
And of course a workshop about everything you always wanted to know about basic bike maintenance but never dared to ask….More workshops will be confirmed later!
15.00h – Lunch
16.00h – Bakfietsrace . Those bakfietsen aren’t as easy to manouvre around as you might think. The race where every self-respecting squatter/food-not bombs or otherwise frequent user of bakfietsen can prove their skills..As all the games, there will be points for original outfits as well – keep that in mind if you want to form a team!
19.00h – Dinner. Vegan, of course…!
20.00h - Tallbike jousting/ skills
21.00h -3.00h Bands/ DJ’s: feestje again!
bands: Over the Top. Last years Short! managed to create a cycle-pit, which was totallytotallytotally awesome! Rumours are that Over the Top is even more, well…over the top and this show will be craaaazy for sure! Check their page.
Noodweer; Groningens weathermen underground punx. Get on that opoebike!Sunday
11.00h – breakfast oh lala- fat and carbohydrates to beat that hangover….
15.00h – Start Critical Mass! Take over the streets en masse with bikes – yes we know, there ARE already lots of bikes on the streets in Holland already -but still, also too many cars , causing polution, accidents and annoyance!
19.00h - Dinner
20.00h – Bikewars Finally – time for the final battle! Hopefully more people will have the guts to join this time for a true bike mayhem…WHOAAAAAHAHA…
After bikewars: bar open till 01.00h & more movies
During the whole festival there will be infostands, silkscreenprinting, movies, sewing and more activities to keep ourselves busy!
friday 30th july
14.00 • workspace opens to build, fix, customize etc. bike
• workshops: seed bombs & screenprinting
18.00 • food jummie vegan soup & BBQ
20.00 • alleycat
21.30 • bands The Hangouts & 1 more
saturday 31 july
During the whole day there will lots of workshops and activities. Besides the activities in the schedule there will be :
various stands with interesting info, tattooing (no joke – you can even get a bike tattoo at the fest!) , silkscreenprinting (bring your t-shirt to screenprint some lovely bicyle designs) and a sewing stand where you can sew your ski-mask, or your just silkscreenprinted patch…). Never a dull moment as you can see…
10.00 – 12.00 • breakfast
12.00 • workspace opens to build, fix, customize etc. bikes
13.00 • workshop MIG welding
• workshop spoke wheel building (wiel spaken)
14.00 • lunch
15.00 • workshop arc welding
16.00 • bakfiets race Cargo bike race. Who will defeat last years winners and will get the trophee this time…?
19.00 • dinner
20.30 • Tall bike jousting
21.30 • Bands Seein Red (fast and furious political opoebikes) Short (..anarcho bikepunx playing fast and loud hardcore from Münster HC city)
0.00 • dj’s Sil & Suzan dancedancedance on the sounds of the underground electro, indie and some of those dark beats.
02.00 • sleep
sunday 1 august
10.00 – 12.00 • breakfast
12.00 • workshop basic bicycle maintenance
14.00 • Leaving for meeting point Critical Mass
15.00 • Start of Critical Mass
18.00 • dinner
20.30 • BikeWars
everyone's welcome!