@stonehenge If anything I'd say a turbo/rollers session would be safer. If it does start to play up you can stop right there. A bit boring especially on a day like this but I'd be worried of it coming back as dammit said
edit: oh what a nooby fail I've done. Talk less people.
I'd agree with rollers (if you're competent/confident, and don't stress any joints whilst getting clipped in), but I've found the turbo cons (static position, tendency to pedal without fluency unless you concentrate) can outweigh the pros (controlled environment, home), particularly with overuse injuries.
I'd agree with rollers (if you're competent/confident, and don't stress any joints whilst getting clipped in), but I've found the turbo cons (static position, tendency to pedal without fluency unless you concentrate) can outweigh the pros (controlled environment, home), particularly with overuse injuries.