For any trackletes on here, bought a pair of spikes that are too small for me hence a reluctant sale.
They're a brand spanking new pair of Adidas Adizero Cadence, I'm sure if you bang the name into google you'll get all sorts of glowing reviews and that. Nice spikes, light, flexy, and they look pretty too....
Come with 3mm spikes and a spanner.
I'm not london based so they'll be posted, for a measly price of £30, (cheapest I can find them online is about £35).
Open to offers and all that jazz, but please don't insult me or they'll be off to fleabay!
For any trackletes on here, bought a pair of spikes that are too small for me hence a reluctant sale.
They're a brand spanking new pair of Adidas Adizero Cadence, I'm sure if you bang the name into google you'll get all sorts of glowing reviews and that. Nice spikes, light, flexy, and they look pretty too....
Come with 3mm spikes and a spanner.
I'm not london based so they'll be posted, for a measly price of £30, (cheapest I can find them online is about £35).
Open to offers and all that jazz, but please don't insult me or they'll be off to fleabay!
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