My 3G iPad ain't bad, but it's a toy at the end of the day. Prolonged reading of some websites can be tiring (pdfs and things stored in Instapaper are much better).
Battery lasts for a day of constant use and if you have any other devices, you can take one of those rechargeable universal batteries. Still, I like it. And iPad 2 is much lighter too.
Kindle is good for books and serious articles, iPad is more versatile, good for imbeciles like me who like things visual - apart from text - and games.
One paperback book is ok, but when you travel for longer and/or are easily distracted and bored, it's nice to have an access to many books and articles. Best thing to do (same as creating a playlist for your iPod) is to collect a bunch of interesting articles with illustrations to your Instapaper account for an offline reading - you can use it whenever there's no reception or you're on a plane.
My 3G iPad ain't bad, but it's a toy at the end of the day. Prolonged reading of some websites can be tiring (pdfs and things stored in Instapaper are much better).
Battery lasts for a day of constant use and if you have any other devices, you can take one of those rechargeable universal batteries. Still, I like it. And iPad 2 is much lighter too.
Kindle is good for books and serious articles, iPad is more versatile, good for imbeciles like me who like things visual - apart from text - and games.
One paperback book is ok, but when you travel for longer and/or are easily distracted and bored, it's nice to have an access to many books and articles. Best thing to do (same as creating a playlist for your iPod) is to collect a bunch of interesting articles with illustrations to your Instapaper account for an offline reading - you can use it whenever there's no reception or you're on a plane.