He makes a valid point that drivers are not taught to expect cyclists in the middle of the lane and cyclists are marginalised both by non cycling drivers and other cyclists who put themselves out of a drivers way all the time. How many times do we see see lines of cyclists witha foot on the kerb at lights to the left of the traffic stream while the whole advance stop box is empty apart from the odd motorcyclists.
I have posted this advice to the police in other threads but no harm in reposting i think
Valid points yes, but being used to argue for segregation of cycling for all, as this is where this blogger constantly heads with his opinion.
People like the Blogger above, and the perculiarly named CEGB (currently popping at Carlton Reid on twitter) are seemingly dismissing all other initiatives in favour of a 100% "build it and they'll ride approach".
Frustrating, given the type of work many of us do, and the positive results we see, sometimes in areas with new infrastructure, often without.
Valid points yes, but being used to argue for segregation of cycling for all, as this is where this blogger constantly heads with his opinion.
People like the Blogger above, and the perculiarly named CEGB (currently popping at Carlton Reid on twitter) are seemingly dismissing all other initiatives in favour of a 100% "build it and they'll ride approach".
Frustrating, given the type of work many of us do, and the positive results we see, sometimes in areas with new infrastructure, often without.