Yes, these are BSC - 9/16 x 20 tpi. Both sets I have are.
It just depends if the cranks you have need have the long or short threaded section. See last link above. Sorry, if I've complicated things by adding this extra point in!
Is it TA Cyclotouriste cranks? I think it would be the long section ones you need, so these would be correct, but you'd need to get that confirmed for sure by someone!
Yes, these are BSC - 9/16 x 20 tpi. Both sets I have are.
It just depends if the cranks you have need have the long or short threaded section. See last link above. Sorry, if I've complicated things by adding this extra point in!
Is it TA Cyclotouriste cranks? I think it would be the long section ones you need, so these would be correct, but you'd need to get that confirmed for sure by someone!