• #2
I'd suggest a Cargo site if you want it to be clean and simple and easy to update yourself. A fully coded website custom built by a designer will cost a lot and take a while. Cargo is free and you can link your domain name to it.
• #3
Indexhibit is also good, and easy to customise and update yourself
• #4
I would recommend finding a nice / simplistoc wordpress theme and then having some edit it very slightly to make it unique to you. That was its simple for you to update with you info. Might be able to help you out but currently pretty busy with work and moving house.
• #5
Second that on indexhibit & cargo
I am an architecture student at the moment and want a website for my final year, wanted to know anyone out there willing to help a brother out, i am keen to keep it simple and look very similar to another website i like and then can update it myself thoughout the year, i have the domain and hosting already.
Wayne. PM if you can help or know someone that can, i dont have a lot of dosh but will try my best, and will pay more if i get a bursary this too.