That was incredible. Feel surprisingly good today. Only stiffness I've got has come from my well earned kip on my too hard sofa-bed.
Too many moments to recapture, but seeing 6pt and (I now know to be) Friday on their way back as they passed Yas and I still heading there, Tom shouting 'do a skid' as they did, was just lovely. High spirits in action. Then getting to the free tea/coffee place a few miles out of Dunwich and having easily the finest sausage sandwich I'm ever likely to have, as Ludwig and Ollie stopped on their return journey too - I have nothing but admiration for those who chose to arrive and turn right back again. And cracking the can of Holsten Pils which I kept until the end - it was well worth it. Glad to find the shop by the beach had more cans up for sale. I had quite a thirst by that time.
And I read one of Henry's posts where he mentioned hallucinations. I had some mild ones out there, but that'll have been the LSD most probably.
Superb stuff, epic day/night/day, stupendous loss of time, who am I, where am I, what am I doing this for moments. We should feel very proud of our achievements.
That was incredible. Feel surprisingly good today. Only stiffness I've got has come from my well earned kip on my too hard sofa-bed.
Too many moments to recapture, but seeing 6pt and (I now know to be) Friday on their way back as they passed Yas and I still heading there, Tom shouting 'do a skid' as they did, was just lovely. High spirits in action. Then getting to the free tea/coffee place a few miles out of Dunwich and having easily the finest sausage sandwich I'm ever likely to have, as Ludwig and Ollie stopped on their return journey too - I have nothing but admiration for those who chose to arrive and turn right back again. And cracking the can of Holsten Pils which I kept until the end - it was well worth it. Glad to find the shop by the beach had more cans up for sale. I had quite a thirst by that time.
And I read one of Henry's posts where he mentioned hallucinations. I had some mild ones out there, but that'll have been the LSD most probably.
Superb stuff, epic day/night/day, stupendous loss of time, who am I, where am I, what am I doing this for moments. We should feel very proud of our achievements.