What a fine event. My first DD and definitely to be repeated. Left London Fields about 8.15 and arrived at the Dunwich at 5.30am. Tibbs was drinking at Pub on the Park so I ordered one and then realised in my haste I had forgotten to put on my shorts over my tights so raced back home!! I ate shed loads on the ride; hard boiled eggs, sugary nut bar things, a gel (over-rated), soup, bacon buttie more bread and the Guiness at 11pm in Essex was great (iron for strength).
-The excellent weather; moonlight and tailwinds.
-The bacon sarnie stall with free tea 20miles from the beach. Did I dream it?
-The swim at 11am followed by a bit of sunshine
The friendly strangers and friends. Especially a chap called Tom who noticed my back light was out and offered me his reserve but then I found a spare. It is quite necessary to have some kind of back light and a goodish front one. The glo-sticks were cool though and helped me realise I was on the right track Hansel and Gretel style a few times.
The man who signalled the huge crater in Epping which nearly swallowed my wheel as they have in the past.
-Bell man
-Randoms cheering us on TDF style
Suffolk for looking lush at 4am
The roads/route for being well planned and smoooth. The massive descent at about 90miles was scary fun
My body and my De Rosa working in relative harmony the whole way.
My ipod. It felt like being at a proper rave up round 3am what with all the twinkling lights, sugar rush and dancing on the pedals to some beatz.
-Getting the train back for free with the lovely Ally and Helen and their friend who's name eludes me.
-Essex boyos emptying a coca-cola can out their window on some of us.
The last 5 miles were painful actually
Some people are bad at riding in groups; esp. under-taking moves.
Thanks to everyone who made this event so wonderful. And well done riders. Happy resting!
I am going to be checking rides and races forum more from now on. Fun times!
What a fine event. My first DD and definitely to be repeated. Left London Fields about 8.15 and arrived at the Dunwich at 5.30am. Tibbs was drinking at Pub on the Park so I ordered one and then realised in my haste I had forgotten to put on my shorts over my tights so raced back home!! I ate shed loads on the ride; hard boiled eggs, sugary nut bar things, a gel (over-rated), soup, bacon buttie more bread and the Guiness at 11pm in Essex was great (iron for strength).
-The excellent weather; moonlight and tailwinds.
-The bacon sarnie stall with free tea 20miles from the beach. Did I dream it?
-The swim at 11am followed by a bit of sunshine
-Bell man
-Randoms cheering us on TDF style
-Getting the train back for free with the lovely Ally and Helen and their friend who's name eludes me.
-Essex boyos emptying a coca-cola can out their window on some of us.
Thanks to everyone who made this event so wonderful. And well done riders. Happy resting!
I am going to be checking rides and races forum more from now on. Fun times!