Last Thursday was the first time I've attempted to use one for ages, every other time has gone without a hitch.
This time I arrived at the docking station next to kennsington Olympia to find the six or so bikes there had all be vandalised, so walked to the next station, nothing happened when I put my key in kiosk was dead... So walked to the next one, this time looked at the kiosk first it was showing the bb equivalent of the hour glass (dots going round in a circle) again nothing happened when I put my key in, so I got the tube.
Last Thursday was the first time I've attempted to use one for ages, every other time has gone without a hitch.
This time I arrived at the docking station next to kennsington Olympia to find the six or so bikes there had all be vandalised, so walked to the next station, nothing happened when I put my key in kiosk was dead... So walked to the next one, this time looked at the kiosk first it was showing the bb equivalent of the hour glass (dots going round in a circle) again nothing happened when I put my key in, so I got the tube.