• I'll agree since the only time they're crap is on hill.

    small wheel + less rotational weight = more effort uphill, and there's a lots of hill in Cumbria and the Yorkshire Dale.

    but everything else it shine, it help keep an average of 13.7mph for the whole 600km ride, simply because it's stupidly aerodynamic (no wind resistance on wheel, nor frame, luggage can be stack without panniers, easier to accelerate etc.), I was easily able to keep up with Stonehedge on his carbon/alu Pinarello with just a large saddlebag.

    I'm on a fench with it, it's great, comfortable, smooth, and fast, but the hill is my favourite, it suck when the bike made it harder to climb, even though I've gotten fitter to do the ride, I love how it handle, I never lean so much on a bicycle that's not a Moulton, and descent is ridiculously easy, even at 40mph, while Stonehedge is gripping on the handlebar trying not to let go due to road vibration.

    Going to take the Surly Crosscheck on a light 200 miles tour soon and see how it handle in comparison to the Moulton (100 miles each day).

    WTF????....Moultons are about as aerodynamic as a fucking fence.
    Where do you come up with this shit???
