Yesterday I got pulled over in Kennington by a pimple ridden PCO who was about 18.
After trackstanding like a boss (this rarely happens) at the '3 stags pub' lights on Brixton road, the cross lights changed, mine went amber and I went on my merry way.
He peddled like a mad man to catch me up and pulled me over giving me the 'do you have any photo id'.
'do you realise what you did back there?'.
I was like 'no'.
He was like 'you failed to stop at a red'.
I told him I did stop, just didn't put my feet down.
And he was like, I was behind the line and you were in front of it, therefore you're in breach of the law.... by which point he had his pen and pad out.
Change of tactic and I was like, 'oh its just that I feel much safer if I can get in front of the cars, and the motorbikes that are in the ASL'.
Oh my days I had to swallow every bit of my dignity to play to his tiny little ego.
He let me off in the end. But I'm still seething. People like him need a hobby that doesn't give them any type of power.
Yesterday I got pulled over in Kennington by a pimple ridden PCO who was about 18.
After trackstanding like a boss (this rarely happens) at the '3 stags pub' lights on Brixton road, the cross lights changed, mine went amber and I went on my merry way.
He peddled like a mad man to catch me up and pulled me over giving me the 'do you have any photo id'.
'do you realise what you did back there?'.
I was like 'no'.
He was like 'you failed to stop at a red'.
I told him I did stop, just didn't put my feet down.
And he was like, I was behind the line and you were in front of it, therefore you're in breach of the law.... by which point he had his pen and pad out.
Change of tactic and I was like, 'oh its just that I feel much safer if I can get in front of the cars, and the motorbikes that are in the ASL'.
Oh my days I had to swallow every bit of my dignity to play to his tiny little ego.
He let me off in the end. But I'm still seething. People like him need a hobby that doesn't give them any type of power.