In loving memory of Kenny Hawkes, there will be a benefit... sorry, a KENEFIT at East Village on July 14th. The lineup is suitably impressive and all proceeds go to Kenny's daughter, family and a nominated charity. Dig deep people.
Andy Mac, Ashley Beedle, Earl Gateshead, Eddie Richards, Elliott Eastwick, Femi B, Jon Marsh, Jim Masters, Justin Harris, Justin Robertson, Luke Solomon, Phil Asher, Stuart Patterson, Rob Mello, Rocky and Diesel, Terry Francis, Terry Farley, Tom Middleton with more to be announced plus a Very special guests TBA nearer the time.
[INDENT]Thursday 14th July 2011
**6.30pm-3.30am, East Village, 89 Great Eastern St, EC2A 3HX ** Minimum donation of £7 on the night.[/FONT]
You can also donate via paypal -
Quick last minute bump...
See you down there House Heads!!