• #2
Saw Simon trueing one at the London Cycle Workshop the other day. He was happy when it was over. Give them a call.
• #3
True it like you would any wheel. Just be a bit sparing with the spoke key on the drive side. Its easy to pull the rim too far in that direction and difficult to get it to return.
• #4
Any LBS will be able to do it, it's not that bad to tru if you're well versed.
So my Campy Vento G3 rear wheel has gone slightly but noticably out of true. Contemplating fixing it before Dunwich Dynamo this weekend, but wary about this unique spoking pattern.
Just wondering if truing a G3 rear wheel is tricky/difficult? Would experience in lacing a couple of wheels in tri-cross pattern be good enough? cheers etc.