Did anyone read the interview with him in Procycling a month or so back? His comments about no-one doing more for the cause of anti-doping were breathtaking.
He's been on the juice from the start, riding for three of the dirtiest teams around and I, for one, look forward to when he finally gets his comeuppance.
I'm waiting to see what WiganWill writes. And then I'll make a decision.
Andy: David Millar believes that Contador won the Giro clean this year. Now we could spend all day discussing Millar and, if we had time, his sister but let me just say this. Look at his hair: it is dark, it is thick, it has lustre. It is, in its way, a poem and an epic poem at that, a magnificent celebration of everything that it means to be young, virile and rich.
Now, if you can bear to, look at your own head.
Who, Andy, should we believe? I think the answer is patently obvious.
Andy: David Millar believes that Contador won the Giro clean this year. Now we could spend all day discussing Millar and, if we had time, his sister but let me just say this. Look at his hair: it is dark, it is thick, it has lustre. It is, in its way, a poem and an epic poem at that, a magnificent celebration of everything that it means to be young, virile and rich.
Now, if you can bear to, look at your own head.
Who, Andy, should we believe? I think the answer is patently obvious.
I hope that helps, Day-Moe.