• I don't think the problem is noobs as such. Its just when people fail to integrate and stick out like a sore thumb. Using the pub analogy sometimes people walk into a quiet little establish and just make a lot of noise. Even when it is politely suggested that they rein themselves in a bit they continue to be loud and yet fail to contribute to the atmosphere, instead just ruffling a few feathers.

    Generally old hands know the score but even some of us have had our moments of causing a little disturbance or even coming in and deliberately antagonising the other regulars. On occasion people walk into the pub and completely fail to pick up on the tone and nuances, and even when the landlords rules and the regulars conventions are pointed out they continue unabated. This tends to happen with new arrivals more than the old hands.

    Is it worth getting too excited about? Popcorn moments can be fun but there is a lot more to lfgss than that alone.
