greenracer, my last piece of advice, this is the internets, no one ever wins an argument on it, if you take every comment here personally you'll not last long at all.
If there's an active thread which interests you, chip in, if not, fuck it off and ride your bike. Many others have done what you've done and have survived and become longstanding well known members here...
Just to put it into context, the forum has grown from under 500 members to over 25k in the space of three odd years, some stay, most leave, and it keeps on growing, your enthusiasm while genuine isn't exceptional. Most of the grouching on here isn't to stop people from joining or enjoying the forum, its just to curb some of the excesses of that enthusiasm. Which is where using the search comes in.
Like I said previously, there are thousands of threads here, which can be read and the information therein absorbed. It grates when new members feel that what they have to say or the question they desperately need to ask can be found through judicious use of the search function and a little persistence.
greenracer, my last piece of advice, this is the internets, no one ever wins an argument on it, if you take every comment here personally you'll not last long at all.
If there's an active thread which interests you, chip in, if not, fuck it off and ride your bike. Many others have done what you've done and have survived and become longstanding well known members here...
Just to put it into context, the forum has grown from under 500 members to over 25k in the space of three odd years, some stay, most leave, and it keeps on growing, your enthusiasm while genuine isn't exceptional. Most of the grouching on here isn't to stop people from joining or enjoying the forum, its just to curb some of the excesses of that enthusiasm. Which is where using the search comes in.
Like I said previously, there are thousands of threads here, which can be read and the information therein absorbed. It grates when new members feel that what they have to say or the question they desperately need to ask can be found through judicious use of the search function and a little persistence.
I'm out like a trout...