I took my HTC Desire HD into a mobile repair centre to have a new screen fitted. I have just been to collect the phone and the repair job is not up to standard.
A new screen has been fitted; however there is a gap between the screen and the bezel making it totally fragile to water. The repair center claimed that all replacement screens fitted look like this and screen 'rubbers' are not replaced during a screen replacement.
I think the job is frankly sh!te and not at all up to standard. I am not happy paying them for the work and have told them I will contact them tomorrow to prove other shops repair HTC screens fully.
Should i be looking to get trading standards involved or should I just demand the phone back without paying?
Hi all,
I took my HTC Desire HD into a mobile repair centre to have a new screen fitted. I have just been to collect the phone and the repair job is not up to standard.
A new screen has been fitted; however there is a gap between the screen and the bezel making it totally fragile to water. The repair center claimed that all replacement screens fitted look like this and screen 'rubbers' are not replaced during a screen replacement.
I think the job is frankly sh!te and not at all up to standard. I am not happy paying them for the work and have told them I will contact them tomorrow to prove other shops repair HTC screens fully.
Should i be looking to get trading standards involved or should I just demand the phone back without paying?