Don't mention cm on Lfgss, you'll just start an argument about whether it's worthwhile.
It's nice riding in a group, even really slowly for 2 hours. I don't think it's usefullness is as important as whether you have fun doing it.
In reality it's impact outside of the cyclists who take part in it is basically non existent. Ask all the non cyclists you know if they've heard of it for evidence of that.
Do topple into someone when stopped somewhere.
Don't mention cm on Lfgss, you'll just start an argument about whether it's worthwhile.
It's nice riding in a group, even really slowly for 2 hours. I don't think it's usefullness is as important as whether you have fun doing it.
In reality it's impact outside of the cyclists who take part in it is basically non existent. Ask all the non cyclists you know if they've heard of it for evidence of that.