YO! Just joined up. been riding my Dawes fixed conversion every day for the past 2 years and its lookng ratty to say the least. will get some fliks up soon!
Hi everyone,
just thought I would say hello as I have just joined up. Im currently riding a full (geared) racer. I will be looking for a fixie pretty soon. Hope to enjoy the london single speed community for the ver near future.
Just thought I should say Hi. Im Steve and I joined cause Im sort of fixed wheel based. I ride BMX bikes and have so for the last 31 years but has a lay off from 1990 to 2005. Women, wine,song took over my life for a little while then I got married and you know the rest.
I ride Skateparks, Vert and anything I can jump off a wont break anything(includeing me)
Nice to hear from any old bmxers and nice to join the forum.
Hi everyone, I'm Oliver. I've been lurking around the forum for ages now, but I've only just got hold of a worthy bike. I now have a peugeot equipe which I've just shortened the chain to convert to single speed and feel worthy of being on her.
I did attempt to fit a fixed gear cog to it but came across a few problems on doing so, and have heard that it's not possible to use the original hub.
Anyway enough about that, I'll most probable encounter some more problems along the way, so I'll be calling four help soon.
Whatsup everyone,
I'm Rory and I've been a lurker for a bit. Been riding a single speed with a ridgeback flight frame for about a month now. I don't really know a hell of a lot but i'm hoping to pick up some tips and tricks! I'm from Manchester but studying in Brighton.
Welcome guys!!! Welcome to the friendliest forum on bike on the internet!
Good posts to all of you! Hope you all ride safe ya hear!
Good posts to all of you! Hope you all ride safe ya hear!