Thing is though (and this is purely opinion, not factual) that if lots of cyclists start using blinking LEDs during the day as well, then motorists will stop looking out for people on bikes and start looking out for blinking lights. I take your point that motorists are lazy and distracted, but I think using lights when they’re not necessary will only make them lazier. And therefore the roads will become more dangerous. I’ve definitely stopped noticing hi-viz just because it’s so prevalent these days. Cyclists will be in an arms race to see who can make themselves more conspicuous and it may end in us all looking like total nutters, thus cementing further the idea that we’re all weirdos in “rubber knickers”* riding glorified kids’ toys.
I think using lights in the day (unless it’s rainy/foggy/dusk/very overcast etc.) is pointless. You don’t wear them on days like today do you? I can’t imagine they’d do anything for visibility in bright summer sun.
Thing is though (and this is purely opinion, not factual) that if lots of cyclists start using blinking LEDs during the day as well, then motorists will stop looking out for people on bikes and start looking out for blinking lights. I take your point that motorists are lazy and distracted, but I think using lights when they’re not necessary will only make them lazier. And therefore the roads will become more dangerous. I’ve definitely stopped noticing hi-viz just because it’s so prevalent these days. Cyclists will be in an arms race to see who can make themselves more conspicuous and it may end in us all looking like total nutters, thus cementing further the idea that we’re all weirdos in “rubber knickers”* riding glorified kids’ toys.
I think using lights in the day (unless it’s rainy/foggy/dusk/very overcast etc.) is pointless. You don’t wear them on days like today do you? I can’t imagine they’d do anything for visibility in bright summer sun.
*Thanks for that, Eric Pickles. Thanks very much.