• Always good to see this thread get a bump.

    As well as habitually wearing a helmet, I'm also now habitually using a super bright flashing rear LED during solo rides in daylight (not commuting). Again, I don't wish to contribute to any idea of obligation for these things.

    My rationale, which you may of course disagree with, is that humans don't seem to be able to evolve quickly enough to cope with the increasing demands on their attention, where they've chosen to saturate their immediate environment with electronic gadgetry.

    I know that helmets and rear lights offer miniscule percentages in the context of increasing rider safety, especially compared to driver/rider training and awareness, but personally I'll take those percentages and add them to the rest.

    Understandably, the rear LED situation has sparked mass debate (sounds a bit rude) amongst the TTing fraternity, a situation exacerbated by a regional body trying to make them compulsory for racing.
