You are actually more perceptive than you might imagine.
There has been a lot of very good science done in the area of gender identity and the role social paradigms, cultural influences and environmental cues play on gender definition in the nascent identity forming period of pre-sexual children, for example in one large 1996 study (n> 1,400 / Marcel, BimCoup et al) it was shown that non-reciprocal and uni-diverse non-causal relationships (especially through the father son/mother daughter channelling effects of non-linear cultural relatedness) lead to a transgressing of the normative boundaries and towards a transformative hermeneutics of gender specific self-realizations - especially in those with no formal (or pre-cognated) absorption of the peer level non-hierarchical gender model (essentially a modification of the Blaus Karbie archetype - ie: male > male (<⊄) / female < female (>⊄) // both positions reversing with each valid iteration of accepted social cues (usually a mother to child behavioural approval prompt)) - this transgressing of the boundaries manifested itself (in the overwhelming majority of the study group, (m /n>660 - f/n>740)) in a predominance of 'benders' (>n/15), a number of secondary level 'gaylords' (<n/02) as well as reports of a couple of lesbos.
You are Tynan and I claim my ten pounds.