• #2
Contact Brooks directly via their email form. I got mine replaced for free after one of them snapped off. They were very good about it. If they charge you it will probably only be a couple of quid.
• #3
they are crapola... just use a wine bottle cork
• #4
i have tons of whisky corks - for free
but cant be arsed to post
pm if you wish to collect - either central london or at one of the drinks (generally souths or wests)
• #5
I've got some but they're not great in my experience. If you're happy to Paypal something to cover postage PM me
• #6
Everyone is right: they're wank.
• #7
Contact Brooks directly via their email form. I got mine replaced for free after one of them snapped off. They were very good about it. If they charge you it will probably only be a couple of quid.
I'll give this a try. I had some in a pair of bare risers but one snapped almost instantly. They looked cool for the second they were in there.
• #8
i have tons of whisky corks - for free
but cant be arsed to post
pm if you wish to collect - either central london or at one of the drinks (generally souths or wests)
I'd never considered whisky corks... hmm interesting
• #9
Contact Brooks directly via their email form. I got mine replaced for free after one of them snapped off. They were very good about it. If they charge you it will probably only be a couple of quid.
1 Attachment
• #10
Yup. Mine broke first time I removed them to retape the bars. Liking the whisley cork idea if only because it's a good excure to finish that bottle of Glenmorangie this weekend.
• #11
Is it easy or a pain in the arse to remove Brooks tape and re-tape with it?
• #12
Very easy, have done that few times. Just go ahead.
• #13
make yourself some classy ones with champagne corks.....looks good if you trim carefully.....
• #14
Think I've got a pair knocking about in my bits box. PM your address and I'll send them out next week.
Does anyone have a pair of the cork Brooks bar ends that get thrown in with bar tape? I'm in Cambridge so would need to post.