I inquired into the seat mounted bags a while ago but they do become incredibly expensive when you take shipping costs into account, granted they're a quality product but pretty pricey. Just out of interest, will you be doing the tool rolls again? I've always hankered after one but I know you cut all ties with the last company.
It's true that a quality bikepacking style seatpack seems expensive, and to be honest I underpriced my own ones.
They take a lot longer to make than people realise due to all the fiddly little pieces involved in the design. Also, the materials used are really expensive to buy...especially for a small company who can't buy in bulk.
The money you make on products like these is pretty pathetic for the work that goes into them unfortunately.
I don't have plans for tool rolls at the moment...too many other things to be working on. :]
It's true that a quality bikepacking style seatpack seems expensive, and to be honest I underpriced my own ones.
They take a lot longer to make than people realise due to all the fiddly little pieces involved in the design. Also, the materials used are really expensive to buy...especially for a small company who can't buy in bulk.
The money you make on products like these is pretty pathetic for the work that goes into them unfortunately.
I don't have plans for tool rolls at the moment...too many other things to be working on. :]