What am amazing achievement, massive respect, I never knew it was possible to do these kind of distances on a bicycle, in fact i don't think I've ever been that far in a car in 24 hours!
Did you weigh yourself before and after? (serious question, not forum ribbing on weight, surely having 'reserves' is good for events like this). It was so hot too that you must have lost a shed load of weight doing such a massive ride?
And also huge respect to anyone that can manage to 'eat' 26 powergels, no wonder you felt sick, I had two on a recent centuary ride and had a face like a baby eating a lemon and could manage no more.
It sounds like you got the bug for the 24 hour events and will be back to beat your distance next year, but for now bask in the glory, well done to you and your support team, proper big ring attitude.
What am amazing achievement, massive respect, I never knew it was possible to do these kind of distances on a bicycle, in fact i don't think I've ever been that far in a car in 24 hours!
Did you weigh yourself before and after? (serious question, not forum ribbing on weight, surely having 'reserves' is good for events like this). It was so hot too that you must have lost a shed load of weight doing such a massive ride?
And also huge respect to anyone that can manage to 'eat' 26 powergels, no wonder you felt sick, I had two on a recent centuary ride and had a face like a baby eating a lemon and could manage no more.
It sounds like you got the bug for the 24 hour events and will be back to beat your distance next year, but for now bask in the glory, well done to you and your support team, proper big ring attitude.