just gave up on watching sucker punch. It was like watching a 15 year olds fantasy.
Yeah that film has really damaged Zack Snyder's rep. I was left speechless after watching it. I liked some bits, like the train scene reminded me of Final Fantasy Crisis Core. It was like watching a really long music video, actually some of music was good!
I'm watching I Am Number 4
I have low expectations
Yeah it's a stinker. At least Sucker Punch is visually and musically pleasant in places, this is just shit.
Yeah that film has really damaged Zack Snyder's rep. I was left speechless after watching it. I liked some bits, like the train scene reminded me of Final Fantasy Crisis Core. It was like watching a really long music video, actually some of music was good!
Yeah it's a stinker. At least Sucker Punch is visually and musically pleasant in places, this is just shit.