I hate this junction, it's near my house and makes getting across the Hackney Road if you're going north / south (as I do most weekends to get to the market) a real hassle.
Crap Cycling Waltham Forest has more info, with some grisly pics:
Can't believe the driver didn't stop, hope the cyclists is going to be okay. Good luck to him. I hate tipper lorries, there's lots in the area at the moment - going east bound on the Bethnal Green and Hackney Rds is horrible in the AM rush hour. Assume they're all going to the Olympic park from their depots. Not great.
I hate this junction, it's near my house and makes getting across the Hackney Road if you're going north / south (as I do most weekends to get to the market) a real hassle.
Crap Cycling Waltham Forest has more info, with some grisly pics:
Can't believe the driver didn't stop, hope the cyclists is going to be okay. Good luck to him. I hate tipper lorries, there's lots in the area at the moment - going east bound on the Bethnal Green and Hackney Rds is horrible in the AM rush hour. Assume they're all going to the Olympic park from their depots. Not great.