Just got back from 4k + a good round of fartleks. On my last sprint back I meet a miserable guy walking home in the wet, asking me 'what the fuck is wrong with you? it's pissing down'
i smiled and waved and did one more just for the sake of it. really enjoy being out exercising in the wet
(then on the last sprint back I got chased by a staff. win some, lose some)
Just got back from 4k + a good round of fartleks. On my last sprint back I meet a miserable guy walking home in the wet, asking me 'what the fuck is wrong with you? it's pissing down'
i smiled and waved and did one more just for the sake of it. really enjoy being out exercising in the wet
(then on the last sprint back I got chased by a staff. win some, lose some)