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  • TNRC 21/6/11 The 'Hemel Fix It' Ride

    31 miles of v.f.quiet and mostly f.smooth terrain.

    Train out: Euston 19h34, arriving HH 20h06.

    Secondary train option: 19h54, arriving 20h18.

    Return trains regular until 22h53, then 23h47, 00h38.

    GS4 = £5.80; GS3 = £7.75ish.

    1. BMMF (leader not dibs)
    2. Clintsmoker
    3. BenJam (north for once!)
    4. Fussball
    5. Gustav (provisionally in)
    6. middleofnowhere
    7. jaygee

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