• You know what, Fuck It!

    You can please some of the people, some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

    So I'm going to leave y'all to do the pub crawl on the 8th. Since the rearranging of dates seems to be causing a rash of cancellations.

    Find the list below as it was before I changed the date.

    Souths Pub Crawl - All welcome, whichever sides of LondonTown, you call home.

    Friday 8th July 2011

    1. 50/14.
    2. louis ∆
    3. Shingami
    4. dimi3
    5. smiff
    6. EEI (as I don't see my southern brothers as often as i'd like to)
    7. Xader
    8. catfood
    9. Clever Pun (on condition the fucktones are playing)
    10. ChainBreaker (if its sunny - fuck the rain the damn bastard)
    11. steve
    12. poots
    13. villa-ru
    14. Bernie
    15. OLC
    16. econodog
    17. HatBBQ
    18. superjoe
    19. TS (on condition The Fucktones are not playing)
    20. nelaii
    21. Digs (singing the Marsielles)
    22. T4
    23. Kirth
    24. Bagheera
    25. ItsBruce

    so y'all can chose from the original list of pubs

    prince regent (herne hill)
    duke of edinburgh (brixton)
    the grove (camberwell)
    sun and doves (camberwell)
    half moon (herne hill)
    hermits cave (camberwell)
    the ship (wandsworth)
    the greyhound (dulwich village)
    the mansion (gypsy hill)
    the effra (brixton)

    and make an evening of it. I'm going to post up a new thread for the bbq, and pre bbq pub crawl and leave it at that.
