Mdcc_tester, not one of the components that we fit on the current bikes are from China, they all come from reliable sources
I was using "China" to cover both Taiwan (Republic of China) and the PRC, both of which are reliable sources used by pretty much everybody in the industry, so there was no implied criticism of your sourcing, I was just pointing out that the amount of local content in a Foffa is not much higher than in any other bike.
Mdcc_tester, what I find it frustrating is that people keep referring back to the fact that our first bikes were built by a mechanic we no longer do business with.
I was careful to point out that the current product is not beset with exactly the same issues as the early ones, but the reputational damage caused by your first attempts is undeniable.
I was using "China" to cover both Taiwan (Republic of China) and the PRC, both of which are reliable sources used by pretty much everybody in the industry, so there was no implied criticism of your sourcing, I was just pointing out that the amount of local content in a Foffa is not much higher than in any other bike.
I was careful to point out that the current product is not beset with exactly the same issues as the early ones, but the reputational damage caused by your first attempts is undeniable.