Has anyone ID'd them yet? Much LOLs would result...
He's a courier who used to be at CS with me but has moved to Lewis Day cos he thought the pay was shit. The key at Courier Systems is to trundle around at a snails pace picking up lots and lots on the way but as you can see from the video his style is to absolutely blam it to each and every drop one-up. Rode with him once from SW1 to SW7 and nearly died about 12 times. The thing about the video is that it's pretty unlucky that this one fail was caught on camera. I've seen him do some things successfully and if those had been caught you'd probably think he was Teh Almighty God ov da Fixei Skidderz!
He's a courier who used to be at CS with me but has moved to Lewis Day cos he thought the pay was shit. The key at Courier Systems is to trundle around at a snails pace picking up lots and lots on the way but as you can see from the video his style is to absolutely blam it to each and every drop one-up. Rode with him once from SW1 to SW7 and nearly died about 12 times. The thing about the video is that it's pretty unlucky that this one fail was caught on camera. I've seen him do some things successfully and if those had been caught you'd probably think he was Teh Almighty God ov da Fixei Skidderz!