• I just used the Roadsafe London site for the first time to report a passenger carrying an infant on her lap in a little hatchback.

    The driver's driving seemed a bit iffy as well.

    Thanks for the link!
    I just reported a white van driver who first was beeping along behind me on Queensbridge Road whilst he was driving on the right, yes the right side, of the road because of the traffic queue due to the temporary lights by the Richmond Rd crossing. I turned around and gave him a shrug of the shoulders and shouted 'what? I'm not doing anything wrong'. I then had a second run in with him on Richmond Rd and he came from Malvern Road and turning right onto Richmond Rd. He saw me, sped towards me on purpose whilst on his mobile phone! I shouted at him to get off his f-ing phone and pay attention whilst he passed me. Then he stopped and was swearing in his foul east end builders chavvy acceent and was probably gonna get out of his van and beat me up, (he probably doesn't care if he beats up a girl, or a child or puppy for that matter) so I just waited behind the van where he couldn't see me and he sped off, but I got the license plate number. I know this isn't the worst thing that has happened, but I think this shit shouldn't happen at all and it pisses me off. I have a right to be on the road as a cyclist and the right to not feel threatened and double dicks like that should be punished. I'm not expecting anything to come out of reporting it, but you never know...

    Sorry, rant over...
