always check the goods out before you hand over cash, it's what face to face buying is for. despite what some people seem to think it doesn't mean you're being tight. it's your money and in the grocer's you'll check a 30p orange out to make sure it's one you want.
if you're a decent forum trader you'll consciously encourage the buyer to check the stuff over if it's a face-to-face deal.. in someone's house everyone's got time to look at the goods but it's surprising if it's outside an office or shop how many people get something handed over and don't even check. being able to be happy with the goods before handing the cash over is why i personally prefer selling stuff on here to London buyers, especially if it's something big. I want someone to confirm they're happy cos I don't want to be sorting it out later if I can avoid it.
always check the goods out before you hand over cash, it's what face to face buying is for. despite what some people seem to think it doesn't mean you're being tight. it's your money and in the grocer's you'll check a 30p orange out to make sure it's one you want.
if you're a decent forum trader you'll consciously encourage the buyer to check the stuff over if it's a face-to-face deal.. in someone's house everyone's got time to look at the goods but it's surprising if it's outside an office or shop how many people get something handed over and don't even check. being able to be happy with the goods before handing the cash over is why i personally prefer selling stuff on here to London buyers, especially if it's something big. I want someone to confirm they're happy cos I don't want to be sorting it out later if I can avoid it.