• #38151
• #38152
I think he's insulting somebody's older girlfriend.
• #38153
Yeah, me either, just spent the last 10 mins trying to figure it out, yes its a slow work day... -
• #38154
I DAS'd a forum jersey wearer on the CS3 on cable street heading towards tower bridge at 9 this morning
• #38155
Spotted - Me. Suitenger walking past all kinds of happy peddlers in the sunshine.
In a right mood. -
• #38156
I spied a fair haired chap on a blue Harry Quinn turning right from Waterloo Road into Bayliss Road this morning, but it was not BlueQuinn. I think.
Definitely wasn't me. Looks like there's some kind of copyright issue I'm going to have to solve. Preferably by whoever it was giving me their bike :-)
• #38157
I saw a guy wearing a balaclava under his helmet/waterproof/fluoro everything on my way home yesterday evening. The sun was beating.
a balaclava. in June. I almost rode into a parked car i was so speechless.
• #38158
No doubt with a 9mm down his pants too
• #38159
Some guy carrying a completely white bike over Wandsworth bridge this morning.
That would be me and my Fuji Feather. Blown my tube big time, and of course no spare in the bag...
• #38160
I spied a fair haired chap on a blue Harry Quinn turning right from Waterloo Road into Bayliss Road this morning, but it was not BlueQuinn. I think.
That was my route - on a HQ but more silver than blue.
Oh and I have brown hair -
• #38161
And who has the pristine 2004 Fuji track, often locked up by the Regal in Balham?
Where is the Regal in Balham?
• #38162
I saw a guy wearing a balaclava under his helmet/waterproof/fluoro everything on my way home yesterday evening. The sun was beating.
a balaclava. in June. I almost rode into a parked car i was so speechless.
I'm glad Tommy isn't around these parts much any more.
• #38163
He would be angry.
• #38164
Where is the Brick now a days?
• #38165
I'm glad Tommy isn't around these parts much any more.
I'm not :(
• #38166
yeah, i got your reference already dude ;-)
• #38167
Hunting down balaclava wearers.
yeah, i got your reference already dude ;-) -
• #38168
That would be me and my Fuji Feather. Blown my tube big time, and of course no spare in the bag...
Riding without a spare tube is like an anxiety dream where you forgot to put trousers on.
• #38169
I'm not :(
I meant in this particular instance. Otherwise I concur.
• #38170
had funny slightly ranty spot/run-in last night.
on southwark street dawdling home with a bag full of shopping when a guy in full lycra on boris undertakes me rather agressively. i somehow end up in front of him at the next crossroads at blackfriars rd. as i'm going straight on into stamford street he tries it again. i'm looking over my left shoulder watching him trying to barge up the inside and deliberately gently closing the gap to deter him. he persists in trying to barge though and i eventually lose it and shout: "what are you doing?!" he didn't say anyhitng so i elaborated "don't ride up the inside of people man!" he looked a bit taken aback and pointed at his ears (presumably indicating that it was my fault because i was wearing headphones). i pulled one earbud out and said "that's got nothing to do with it! i can see you, i've been watching you do it, and try to do it again! you don't undertake, you overtake! that's *my *space (*indicating the area between me and the kerb)". he dropped back a meter or so then (as i was really dawdling) he passed me on the right with petulant "happy now?". to which i smiled and said, "yes. thank you."
• #38171
• #38172
Friday I left work pretty late, as I left clear sky, got onto my bike, and it literally pissed it down. Biggest darkest cloud ever, followed me to London Bridge where I finally got a puncture. Stupidly had had a clean through my bag and had taken out the inner and still hadn't put back patches from different bag from Brighton ride.
Went to the Evans in London Bridge, but they were closed. There was a guy standing there with his bike waiting for the rain to stop and he saved my ass by giving me an inner. Thank you sir! I will make sure to pass on the love.
I did however blow that inner on Saturday and only had a short valve so had to get rescued by Hillbilly just before the skid-off @ Nocturne... Thanks! I owe you beer :)
stocks up on long valve inners
• #38173
Riding without a spare tube is like an anxiety dream where you forgot to put trousers on.
Been there, done that :D
• #38174
I meant in this particular instance. Otherwise I concur.
I know what you meant. Wherever he is (in that he's not here) must be idyllic.
• #38175
I'm glad Tommy isn't around these parts much any more.
Most sensible thing anybody has said in this place for ages...
shakes head in a resigned fashion