• Reminder

    Hackney Bicycle Film Society Filem Show tonight
    Bike like you mean it
    Bike Like U Mean It is a portrait of Austin, Texas' bike activists, those who ride their bikes for transportation, defiantly eschewing cars.
    Outspoken and iconoclastic, they actively promote not only alternative forms of transportation, but an alternative vision of cities, urban design, lifestyle, and culture.

    This is also a film about dreamers, those who are working at the fringes, pushing the envelope, and trying to envision a different future where traffic, congestion, pollution and road rage give way to more peaceful ways of moving around on the planet

    All the best

    Unless otherwise stated all events occur at
    Calthorpe Arms,
    252 Grays Inn Road
    London WC1x 8JR and start
    Prompt at 7:30
