Superb day. Hillbilly charmed the media/VIP section after his stage antics and moved on to empty the Red Bull dispenser in a right and proper way as befitting a winner.
Over 700 pix taken, and personal target hit - 30.1mph on the way back on the Brompton. (with wtf style grins from the Endura support vehicle as it was in the lane next to me. great fun)
Superb day. Hillbilly charmed the media/VIP section after his stage antics and moved on to empty the Red Bull dispenser in a right and proper way as befitting a winner.
Over 700 pix taken, and personal target hit - 30.1mph on the way back on the Brompton. (with wtf style grins from the Endura support vehicle as it was in the lane next to me. great fun)