it sit on some slab and brick to keep the shed from getting damp, I've dug out quite a lots of earth I'm not sure what to do with it! (it resemblance Mount Fuji at the moment).
It already been coated to peserve the wood.
grey floor sound good, white floor mean I can find bits that I've dropped easily, apart from a white aerospoke but that's about it.
Ed how do you get light to your shed? - it looks as though It's quite far from your house.
I'm going to buy myself a shed in the next few weeks/months and taking on the idea of painting it white in side. But since I rent it's pointless to wire in electric.
Ed how do you get light to your shed? - it looks as though It's quite far from your house.
I'm going to buy myself a shed in the next few weeks/months and taking on the idea of painting it white in side. But since I rent it's pointless to wire in electric.