Well, the seattube-decals were a bit missing so there wasn't a Columbus-decal on the tube when I first got it, just on the forks. I came to the conclusion it's a TSX-frame and tracked down some original decals for good measure.
I found some similiar Squadra-frames from around '92 that are TSX. Also, in the '93-brochure the second-highest rated 'Aquila'-model uses TSX-tubing. The Squadra's were top-tier, which leads me to think your Concorde is also made from TSX. (Though te be sure, one should remove the BB and have a look inside.)
It would all fit nicely in the timeframe; seeing as it was kind of a 'SLX-plus', TSX was only used for a few years in the early nineties, as far as I know.
Anyway, SLX or TSX - both quality and the paint on your frame looks in better shape than mine.
ps: Some more pics, in case you're doubting your decision ; )
Well, the seattube-decals were a bit missing so there wasn't a Columbus-decal on the tube when I first got it, just on the forks. I came to the conclusion it's a TSX-frame and tracked down some original decals for good measure.
I found some similiar Squadra-frames from around '92 that are TSX. Also, in the '93-brochure the second-highest rated 'Aquila'-model uses TSX-tubing. The Squadra's were top-tier, which leads me to think your Concorde is also made from TSX. (Though te be sure, one should remove the BB and have a look inside.)
It would all fit nicely in the timeframe; seeing as it was kind of a 'SLX-plus', TSX was only used for a few years in the early nineties, as far as I know.
Anyway, SLX or TSX - both quality and the paint on your frame looks in better shape than mine.
ps: Some more pics, in case you're doubting your decision ; )