will is indeed a scoring machine. so is quentin. and many teams played very disciplined. the big story for me was bordeaux, two great teams, i think both top 10. it was also great to watch Alex (formerly cambridge) and Felix on the Toulouse team called Shaft Punx (maybe a name resurrected from Cambridge?).
Many teams used interference based offensive strategies, which was boring to play against, and watch. i've never seen so few passes in a tourney (and Hugo and I couldn't get our passing game organized, so i'm including DTGP in that!)
My biggest complaint was that between the interference strategies and the uber-small courts, there was tons a ton of bike on bike contact. half the time people didn't even realize they're doing bike to bike, because they're also throwing very light shoulder checks/blocks, so they're aware about body on body, while their front or back wheel is banging around. or some players who turn their front wheel to box you in, when you've already started moving, so they end up t-boning. the side of your wheel with their turned front wheel. very difficult stuff to ref. i'm now back to be in favour of outlawing intentional interference (first put in place at the original Bench Minor, as well as ESPI last year). also difficult to ref, but it makes the game that much prettier, especially on a small court where interference is actually a half-decent strategy.
will is indeed a scoring machine. so is quentin. and many teams played very disciplined. the big story for me was bordeaux, two great teams, i think both top 10. it was also great to watch Alex (formerly cambridge) and Felix on the Toulouse team called Shaft Punx (maybe a name resurrected from Cambridge?).
Many teams used interference based offensive strategies, which was boring to play against, and watch. i've never seen so few passes in a tourney (and Hugo and I couldn't get our passing game organized, so i'm including DTGP in that!)
My biggest complaint was that between the interference strategies and the uber-small courts, there was tons a ton of bike on bike contact. half the time people didn't even realize they're doing bike to bike, because they're also throwing very light shoulder checks/blocks, so they're aware about body on body, while their front or back wheel is banging around. or some players who turn their front wheel to box you in, when you've already started moving, so they end up t-boning. the side of your wheel with their turned front wheel. very difficult stuff to ref. i'm now back to be in favour of outlawing intentional interference (first put in place at the original Bench Minor, as well as ESPI last year). also difficult to ref, but it makes the game that much prettier, especially on a small court where interference is actually a half-decent strategy.